Daily Prayer

Common Worship, Daily Prayer

One of the glories of the Church of England is its worship. The word 'liturgy' describes the patterns, forms and words through which public worship is conducted.

For the first time in its history, the Church of England has a definitive daily prayer book. Common Worship: Daily Prayer provides structured prayers for every day of the year. Alone or in groups, individuals can link their personal devotions into the prayer life of the Church.

The links to Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer below, will take you to pages with those services drawn directly from the official Church of England website. When you pray through those services, you are joining with thousands of others. Although you may be praying on your own, you are not praying alone.

Daily Prayer for yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Morning Prayer (yesterday)
Morning Prayer (today)
Morning Prayer (tomorrow)

Evening Prayer (yesterday)
Evening Prayer (today)
Evening Prayer (tomorrow)

Night Prayer (yesterday)
Night Prayer (today)
Night Prayer (tomorrow)

We come together in church to worship God, to hear His word and to share the Good news of Jesus,
receiving forgiveness and renewal through His death and resurrection.

We are sent out from church to live as Christian disciples, showing love to others
and living out our faith in all we think, say and do.

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