Prayers for Our Society.

For social justice

O God, whose Son Jesus Christ
   cared for the welfare of everyone
   and went about doing good:
grant us the imagination and perseverance
   to create in this country and throughout the world
a just and loving society
   for the family of man;
and make us agents of your compassion to the suffering,
   the persecuted and oppressed,
through the Spirit of your Son,
   who shared the sufferings of men,
our pattern and redeemer, Jesus Christ.

   Help us, O God, to understand what your will is in the confusion and unrest of our times.
   Give us insight to distinguish between the signs of your Spirit demanding change and renewal, and the signs of human greed and lust for power; that we may be your fellow workers in creating an order of society which acknowledges your sovereign power and might; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

For the social services

   We thank you, O God, for all who work in the social services:
   for policemen and probation officers;
   for youth leaders and school teachers;
   for welfare officers and psychiatric social workers;
   for doctors and nurses and many others.
   We pray that you will give to all such people sympathy and understanding, love and firmness, and the deeper knowledge that Jesus Christ is the only one who can make people truly whole.
   We ask this for his sake, our Saviour and our Lord.

We come together in church to worship God, to hear His word and to share the Good news of Jesus,
receiving forgiveness and renewal through His death and resurrection.

We are sent out from church to live as Christian disciples, showing love to others
and living out our faith in all we think, say and do.

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